NC Botanical Garden: New Hope Bottomlands – A Half Day Field Trip with Scott Ward, NCBG Research Botanist (Registration Required)

May 18, 2024
10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Meeting spot supplied upon registration. (See details)

Join NCBG Research Botanist Scott Ward at the New Hope Bottomlands Trailhead. This field trip will be focused on a variety of plant ID topics, but will center around basic concepts of upland and lowland ecology, (very very) basic hydrology and its interaction with human development, and identification of various plant groups (e.g., graminoids, oaks, wetland shrubs, etc…). Event is rain or shine (except in the case of thunderstorm activity). Bring muck boots or shoes you don’t mind saturating with floodplain water. Meeting spot supplied upon registration.


NC Botanical Garden: Little Sprouts- Hooray for Hummingbirds (ages 3-5 with adult)